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Attribute VB_Name = "modExeData"
Public Property Get edPath() As String
t = App.path
If right$(t, 1) = "\" Then
t = t & App.EXEName & ".exe"
t = t & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
End If
edPath = t
End Property
Public Function edSetData(Optional fil As String = "", Optional data As String = "")
Dim ff As Long
Dim lens As Long
Dim dat As String
If fil = "" Then fil = edPath
ff = FreeFile
Open fil For Binary As ff
dat = Space$(LOF(ff))
Get ff, , dat
Close ff
dat = dat & data
pt1 = nts4T(Len(data))
dat = dat & pt1
Kill fil
ff = FreeFile
Open fil For Binary As ff
Put ff, , dat
Close ff
End Function
Public Function edGetData(Optional fil As String = "") As String
Dim ff As Long
Dim lens As Long
Dim dat As String
If fil = "" Then fil = edPath
ff = FreeFile
Open fil For Binary As ff
dat = Space$(LOF(ff))
Get ff, , dat
Close ff
If Len(dat) <= 4 Then Exit Function
lens = nts4F(right$(dat, 4))
dat = right$(dat, lens + 4)
dat = left$(dat, lens)
edGetData = dat
End Function
Public Function edRemoveData(Optional fil As String = "")
Dim ff As Long
Dim lens As Long
Dim dat As String
If fil = "" Then fil = edPath
ff = FreeFile
Open fil For Binary As ff
dat = Space$(LOF(ff))
Get ff, , dat
Close ff
If Len(dat) <= 4 Then Exit Function
lens = nts4F(right$(dat, 4))
If lens = 0 Then Exit Function
Kill fil
dat = left$(dat, Len(dat) - lens - 4)
ff = FreeFile
Open fil For Binary As ff
Put ff, , dat
Close ff
End Function
Private Function nts4T(num As Long) As String
Dim hlen As String
hlen = Format(Hex(num), "00000000")
If Len(hlen) <> 8 Then hlen = String(8 - Len(hlen), "0") & hlen
nts4T = Chr$(XHexToDecimall(Mid$(hlen, 1, 2))) & Chr$(XHexToDecimall(Mid$(hlen, 3, 2))) & Chr$(XHexToDecimall(Mid$(hlen, 5, 2))) & Chr$(XHexToDecimall(Mid$(hlen, 7, 2)))
End Function
Private Function nts4F(num As String) As Long
If Len(num) <> 4 Then Exit Function
num = StrSetLength(Hex(Asc(Mid$(num, 1, 1))), 2, "0", 1) & StrSetLength(Hex(Asc(Mid$(num, 2, 1))), 2, "0", 1) & StrSetLength(Hex(Asc(Mid$(num, 3, 1))), 2, "0", 1) & StrSetLength(Hex(Asc(Mid$(num, 4, 1))), 2, "0", 1)
nts4F = XHexToDecimall(CStr(num))
End Function
Private Function XHexToDecimall(num As String) As Long
For a = 1 To Len(num)
If Mid$(num, a, 1) <> "0" Then
Exit For
zh = True
End If
If zh = True Then num = Mid$(num, a)
num = UCase$(num)
Dim nums(13) As Currency
nums(1) = 1
nums(2) = 16
For a = 3 To 13
nums(a) = nums(a - 1) * 16
For a = Len(num) To 1 Step -1
g = g + Mid$(num, a, 1)
num = g
For a = 1 To Len(num)
gh = Mid$(num, a, 1)
If gh = "0" Then numm = 0
If gh = "1" Then numm = 1
If gh = "2" Then numm = 2
If gh = "3" Then numm = 3
If gh = "4" Then numm = 4
If gh = "5" Then numm = 5
If gh = "6" Then numm = 6
If gh = "7" Then numm = 7
If gh = "8" Then numm = 8
If gh = "9" Then numm = 9
If gh = "A" Then numm = 10
If gh = "B" Then numm = 11
If gh = "C" Then numm = 12
If gh = "D" Then numm = 13
If gh = "E" Then numm = 14
If gh = "F" Then numm = 15
numm = numm * nums(a)
gg = gg + numm
XHexToDecimall = gg
End Function